Do you use print advertising, in newspapers or magazines, flyers or brochures? For small business, print advertising can be very effective:

  • If you want exposure in your local geographical area.
  • To promote a special offer.
  • To raise awareness of your business.
  • To supplement your online marketing activities.
  • If your target market is unlikely to find you through your website.

With print advertising, when every line of print is costing you, it’s important to get the biggest bang for your buck. That’s where we can help. Using simple but powerful techniques we’ve learned from the masters of direct marketing, we can give every word pulling power. We know how to identify with your market and tug on their emotional strings. We know how to persuade readers to believe in their need of your product or service, and that the time to buy is now!

Your publishing costs, we can’t do much about, but the cost to you for copywriting for this type of promotion is very good value. Get in touch here to talk about your idea and find out how we can help.